
CSA Civic Theatre

Honoring Tradition, Embracing the Future

For over 25 years, Marion Community School of the Arts has been dedicated to arts education and enrichment in Grant County, with community theatre programming expanding over the past four years. CSA Civic Theatre proudly continues the 65-year tradition of local theatre in the former Marion Civic Theatre space, providing a volunteer-driven platform for creative expression and collaboration.

As we look to the future, CSA remains committed to expanding opportunities for performers, directors, and theatre enthusiasts while celebrating the rich history of community theatre in Grant County!

Upcoming Auditions

CSA Civic Theatre is holding auditions for our upcoming production of Children of Eden—a breathtaking musical that explores the timeless stories of creation, love, and family.

Whether you're a seasoned performer or new to the stage, we invite you to be part of this incredible journey!

Audition Form

Audition Info Packet

Audition Sides

Callback Information

CSA Civic Theatre’s  

Theatre 101 Workshop Series

CSA Civic Theatre is thrilled to launch an introductory series of technical theatre workshops, designed to provide hands-on instruction in sound, lighting, stage management, directing, costuming, set design, and more!

These one-day sessions offer the perfect opportunity to explore the fundamentals of theatre production, whether you're a beginner or an experienced community thespian looking to expand your skills. Open to adults and students ages 15+, this series is part of CSA’s commitment to developing the future of community theatre programming in Grant County.

Come learn, create, and be a part of bringing theatre to life!

Follow the link for details on the workshops and to save your space!  Pre-registration is required, with limited spaces available.

Register Here

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The project is funded by the 2024 Ball State Community Engagement for the Arts Grant.

2024-2025 Performance Season

2025-2026 Performance Season

Become a Community Producer!

Join CSA’s Community Producer Program and help bring the magic of theatre to life! Your donation supports production costs, scholarships, and free ticket opportunities, making the arts accessible to all. Honor a loved one, support local performers, and make a lasting impact on our community.

Support a Show Here

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Volunteer at CSA Civic Theatre

Join our volunteer team and be part of bringing productions to life! Whether you’re interested in backstage crew, ushering, set building, costumes, or more, there’s a place for you at CSA Civic Theatre. No experience necessary—just a passion for the arts!

Sign Up Here

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Director Applications

CSA Civic Theatre is looking for directors, musical directors, choreographers, and rehearsal managers to help bring our productions to life! If you have a passion for storytelling and leadership in theatre, we invite you to apply and be part of one of our creative teams.

Apply Here

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Submit a Show for an Upcoming Season

Have a play or musical you’d love to see on stage? CSA Civic Theatre is accepting submissions for our upcoming performance season! Whether it’s a classic favorite or a hidden gem, we’re looking for productions that inspire, entertain, and engage our community.

Submit A Show Here