
CSA Enrollment and Payment Policies

Registration & Enrollment:

  • All students must have a completed and signed registration form or an electronically signed policy agreement to enroll in classes.
  • A non-refundable annual registration fee is required per student.

Class Changes & Withdrawals:

  • To drop a class, a completed Add/Drop form must be submitted to the office. A digital drop form is also available on the CSA website.
  • Billing will continue until the Drop form is received, regardless of attendance.
  • No drops are permitted after 14 days from the class start date unless under special circumstances.
  • A $25 drop fee applies if a class is dropped after the first 14 days.


  • Scholarship applications are available online or in the office.
  • Students remain responsible for class fees until scholarship approval is granted.
  • Registration fees are not covered by scholarships.

Payment Plans & Discounts:

  • Year-long classes (36 weeks): 9 monthly payments (September–May).
  • Semester-long classes (12 weeks): 3 monthly payments (September–November or March–May).
  • Tuition is due on the 1st of each month; a $10 late fee applies after the 15th.
  • Annual Tuition Discount: 5% discount if paid in full by September 1st (bank draft, cash, or check only).
  • Multi-Class Discounts: 10% off group classes when enrolled in 3 or more classes; 20% off for student company members.

Late & Non-Payment Policies:

  • A $15 late fee is charged for payments not received by the 15th of the month.
  • A $3 monthly processing fee applies to all credit card payments, which can be avoided by paying via bank draft, cash, or check.
  • Automatic billing is available for recurring payments on the 1st or 15th of each month.
  • Classes under 12 weeks and registration fees must be paid in full at registration.
  • A $35 fee applies for returned checks/insufficient funds.
  • CSA reserves the right to suspend or dismiss students with delinquent accounts.
  • Accounts 30+ days overdue may be inactivated; accounts 60+ days overdue without a payment arrangement will result in withdrawal from classes and a $25 drop fee.
  • Private lesson students will be dropped after 8 unpaid lessons.

Additional Policies:

  • Private lesson cancellations require 24-hour notice to avoid being charged.
  • Registration, supply, processing, and late fees are non-refundable.
  • Invoices will be emailed only.
  • Dance & Performing Arts Classes: Enrollment in the fall is required for participation in the spring iPerform and iDance productions. New spring classes may be added based on demand but will not merge with year-long classes.

For any payment-related inquiries or to set up automatic billing, please contact the CSA office.


Building Policies

Arrival & Departure

  • Parents/guardians must enter the building to pick up their child. Students are not permitted to wait outside.
  • CSA is not responsible for children once they leave the building.
  • Prompt pick-up is required. Late pick-ups may result in additional charges to the student’s account

Student Supervision

  • Unsupervised children are not permitted to wander the building.
  • Students must remain courteous and respectful at all times.
  • CSA is not responsible for students left unattended for extended periods outside of class time.


  • Parking is available around the square.
  • Additional parking is available AFTER 5 PM at the following locations:
    • City lot at 5th & Adams
    • City lot at 2nd & Adams
    • Star Financial lot

Food & Beverages

  • Food and beverages are not allowed in classrooms, except for water bottles.
  • No chewing gum or candy is permitted in class.
  • Students are responsible for cleaning up any mess they create, and all trash must be disposed of properly.

Personal Belongings

  • Students must keep their belongings with them at all times.
  • Items should not be left unattended in the lobby or common areas.
  • CSA is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
  • Lost & Found items will be held for 30 days before being donated.

Tobacco, Drugs, Alcohol & Prohibited Items

  • The possession or use of tobacco, drugs, or alcohol on or off CSA property is strictly prohibited.
  • Any suspected use of these substances may result in immediate dismissal.
  • Dangerous items, including lighters, matches, firearms, or weapons of any kind, are strictly forbidden.

Safety & Emergency Procedures

  • Emergency procedures are posted in each classroom and will be reviewed by instructors.
  • In the event of a tornado warning, students will be relocated to the basement and will not be released until the warning is lifted.
  • Students will only be released under the supervision of a guardian.

Property Damage & Vandalism

Any intentional destruction of CSA property or another student’s belongings may result in dismissal without a refund.

Field Trips

  • Occasionally, students may leave CSA for supervised class field trips.
  • Parents/guardians will receive advance notice with details about the date, time, and location of the outing.

These policies are in place to ensure a safe, respectful, and professional environment for all CSA students and families.


Image Consent

By participating in CSA programs, students and their likeness may be used in promotional materials, media, and other non-commercial applications to support and promote CSA’s mission and activities.

Health and Medical Policies

Student Illness Policy

For the health and safety of all students and staff, children may not attend CSA if they exhibit any of the following symptoms:

  • Fever within the past 24 hours (e.g., if the last fever-reducing medication was taken at noon on Wednesday and the fever broke at 5:00 PM, the child may not return until Friday morning).
  • Vomiting or diarrhea within the past 24 hours.
  • Open, draining skin sores (e.g., impetigo). The child may return when drainage stops, sores begin to heal, or a physician clears them.
  • Eye or ear drainage, such as pink eye (conjunctivitis). The child may return after 24 hours of prescribed medication.
  • Strep throat. The child may return after 24 hours of prescribed antibiotic treatment.
  • Contagious diseases, such as chickenpox, until cleared by a doctor or all lesions are crusted over.
  • Untreated lice, ringworm, or scabies.
  • Undiagnosed rash or rash due to a contagious illness.
  • Significant respiratory issues.

In certain cases, a physician’s note may be required before returning to CSA.

Medication Policy

CSA does not administer prescription medications. Over-the-counter medications may be provided upon request, with a signed consent form on file.

Costume Policy

iDance Costume Deposits

  • A non-refundable $80 costume deposit is required for all classes participating in the iDance show in June.
  • Deposits will be billed with September 1st tuition and must be paid in full by December 15th.Any remaining balance will be due at the time of costume pickup.
  • Costume deposits are non-refundable after December 15th.

Theatrical Production Costumes

  • Costumes for CSA theatrical productions (excluding iDance) are the property of CSA.
  • Students are responsible for handling costumes with care and must return them in clean, undamaged condition.

Scholarship Policy

CSA is committed to making arts education accessible and strives to assist as many students as possible through limited scholarship opportunities. Due to high demand, tuition support is awarded based on financial need and available funding.

  • Scholarship awards are determined by a standardized rubric that considers household income, number of dependents, and available scholarship funds.
  • Awards are granted on a first-come, first-served basis and prioritized by need. A waitlist will be maintained for applicants not initially admitted.
  • Scholarship funds cover tuition costs only and will be applied in equal monthly payments to the recipient’s CSA account. Fees for registration, private lessons, supplies, and costumes remain the responsibility of the student.
  • Recipients must fulfill all requirements outlined in the scholarship agreement to maintain their award.
  • CSA reserves the right to revoke scholarships if the terms of the agreement are not met, which may impact future eligibility.

CSA Arts Academy Policies

  • Enrollment in the CSA Arts Academy requires prior approval from the Executive Director before registration.
  • The CSA Arts Academy is designed for dedicated arts students and has a minimum enrollment requirement of three classes. Students will not be accepted into the program without prior approval.
  • This program operates in partnership with Marion Community Schools (MCS), and all Arts Academy students must be enrolled in both MCS and the Community School of the Arts (CSA). Students may not take more than five onsite courses at MCS while participating in the Arts Academy.
  • If a student withdraws from CSA courses, MCS will be notified. Likewise, if a student is unable to participate due to illness or injury, CSA will inform MCS accordingly.
  • Students must adhere to the policies outlined in both the CSA Student Handbook and the Marion Community Schools Student Handbook.

Billing & Fees

  • Arts Academy tuition follows a nine-month payment plan (September–May).Private lessons included in the Academy fee must be scheduled during the regular CSA calendar.
  • Standard CSA registration, withdrawal, and billing policies apply, unless otherwise stated.
  • If a student withdraws from a class, the office must be notified immediately, and a drop form must be submitted.
  • Additional fees (registration, costume, supply, production, and other non-tuition expenses) are not included in the Academy fee and remain the responsibility of the student. Fees associated with Marion Community Schools enrollment are also not covered.
  • Scholarships may be available for Arts Academy students based on financial need.

Enrollment Deadline

The CSA Arts Academy enrollment deadline is September 1st each year. Enrollment after this date cannot be guaranteed.