The CSA Theatre compANY is designed to help any serious theatre artists learn how to be a collaborative performer and technicians who actively contributes to a larger creative community. It’s a place of belonging where anyone matters to everyone. There’s no ‘i’ in company but there’s an ‘any,’ and anyone passionate about doing great work with other great artists is welcome to be a part of the CSA Theatre compANY.
Digital Audition Form
Audition Information
Audition Monologues
For more information about the CSA Theatre compANY contact CSA at info@csa-marion.com
Please fill out the audition form below if you are interested in audition for the compANY for the 2024-2025 season.
The CSA Theatre compANY is a pre-professional theatre training programming for students ages 8-18 that consists of classes in theatre, music, dance, and theatre production. In addition to training opportunities, the CSA Theatre compANY performs and produces 3-4 performances a season.
2024-2025 Season
CSA Theatre compANY Tracks
The CSA Theatre compANY has three different tracks of study that students can choose:
Performance Track: for students only interested in studying in areas of performance including but not limited to acting, voice, and dance. These students will only be under consideration for casting of performance roles in shows.
Production Track: for students only interested in studying in areas of theatre production including but not limited to stage management, scenic design, props design, lighting, sound and costuming and make up. These students will only be under consideration for casting of production roles in Theatre compANY shows and assigned production roles for the CSA Children's Theatre programming where they will full student produce a musical.
Multi-Track: for students interested in studying in areas of both theatre performance and production. These students will be under considerations for casting of performance and assigned production roles for the CSA Children's Theatre programming where they will full student produce a musical.